Completely Pathetic Looser *OR* Coolest Cat EVER!

So I'm watching the network broadcast of "Bring It On" on The WB ... and I know every single line and scene they've cut for the "sensitive home viewers." ("Won't someone think of the children!?!?!")

Why the hell would they cut "cheer-sex" ??

p.s. Since when is "ass" the worst word in the world?? I was pushing 20's on the number of times THAT word was cut. And this is a PG-13 movie!! (Which really brings up a point about the MPAA rating system that is an angry rant that deserves it's own post entirely...)

p.p.s - So they show the "stripper tryout" in the previews, but don't show it in the actual broadcast...must have something to do with the rights to the song which they make a point about in the DVD commentary. (Yeah... so this post is pushing the "Pathetic Looser" side of THAT meter... )

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