
OK, I'm officially calling "bull-shit" on the outcome of tonight's "The Amazing Race."

It's not that Chip and Kim ran a bad race, they were there every step, it's that they won because they came in last on the last round and caught a lucky break. Now this has been stick-and-trade for this show: create a false sense of competition before evening the playing field before the next round. BUT you would think that the last leg would be about the actual RACE.

Even to the last, Collin and Christie PLAYED THE GAME. They pulled up at the rope climb, beat the clock at the first airport, and had a cab lined up at the second airport, but because they didn't do constant checkups with the flight schedule, which some might read as tactical, others might view as obsessive-compulsive, they lost.

My friend Michelle said it best: "I didn't really want Collin and Christie to win until I thought about them NOT winning." You LOVE to hate them.

I'm kinda torn: it is a race, but it's also a game. At least with "Survivor" there is a judging process: even if I hate the "character," I can admit that they played the game, and for the most part the others on the show cop to that fact.

I guess that's what comes with an outcome that's based on a concrete rather than a judgment. (I'll admit: the major argument I have with gymnastics and figure-skating is that it's all based on -potentially biased- judges decisions.) BUT if the judges are actually involved in the game, I think the scales even out a bit more.

p.s. Just saw a commercial for a hangover medicine called "Chaser." Jesus, I love this country sometimes. I got a similar "warm-fuzzy" when we almost made a website for "Pass-Your-Piss-Test: Super-Pee"

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