Fire ... Good

'Couple days ago I talked about "The Amazing Race" being the second best reality show. I know my readers (and by readers I mean Karim -what up dog-) were up all night, wondering "what IS the best reality show on TV?!?!" Now while "Paradise Island" was a worthy effort in a fascinating train-wreck sorta way, the BEST, of course, is "Survivor."

Tonight, watching the premiere, I had a bit of a WTF moment: for the first 5/10 days, fire is always the biggest challenge. Hell, it's always the reward in the first challenge. Now it seams to me that if i know that i was selected to be a contestant, the FIRST thing i would do was FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE FUCKING FIRE!!! It's not like it's all that hard, all it takes is the right tools and some elbow-grease.

On a side note: why are balance beams so bloody hard for these people? I mean, come on, you walk in a straight line all the time, how fucking hard is that??

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